GSI Videos
Global Stewards Institute Program Overview
Global Stewards Institute (GSI) is committed to creating a more peaceful world by offering multicultural and intergenerational graduate-level educational study/travel experiences at sea and in ports across the globe.
GSI – Panama, Cuba and the Caribbean: An Emerging Hub in a Changing Region:
The Global Stewards Institute (GSI) and the University of California, Riverside collaborated on a 3-week experiential program to Panama, Cuba and the Caribbean in Dec. 2012. The program, “Panama, Cuba and the Caribbean: An Emerging Hub in a Changing Region”, included both land and sea components, a 3-unit global leadership course and a field study/service activity with a local NGO.
Cuba Education Tours:
Six minutes of the most spectacular sights, sounds and fun to be had in Cuba. “Autentica Cuba” from the Cuban Tourist Board in Cuban. Created by Brandworks International Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.